Manhattan Landmarks-Riverside Drive West End Historic District and Extension

Riverside Drive West End Historic District/ Extension

The development of the Upper West Side west of Broadway from 1884 until WWII is preserved in this district. The early real-estate boom is evident in the harmonious groups of Renaissance and Georgian Revival row houses. Pre- and post- WWII luxury apartments and more modest flats display Gothic, Renaissance, and Romanesque Revivals treatments on their bases. A few post-depression building with Art Deco and Art Moderne styling are also in the district. Designated December 19, 1989 and extended June 2012

Title: 171_177_riverside_dr_bet_89th_90th2.JPG

Borough: Manhattan

Historic District: Riverside Drive West End

Keywords: residential, row house, bay window, balcony

Description: Bay window detail of row houses on the south side of West 89th Street

Designation Report

Extension Designation Report



To make an appointment to view all images from this historic district, please e-mail [email protected] or call (212) 614-9107.