Certificate of Appropriateness Testimony

HDC@LPC – June 24, 2014


Item 10


BOROUGH OF Manhattan

157594- Block 1111, lot 1-

Central Park East 72nd Street Adventure Playground – Scenic Landmark

A 1930s playground, redesigned by Richard Dattner and rebuilt in 1970, and adjoining landscaping, within an English Romantic style public park designed in 1856 by Olmsted and Vaux. Application is to replace paving, fencing, benches, and play equipment, and modify a pathway.

Item 32-E 72nd St PG-4

Item 32-E 72nd St PG-6

HDC would like to first commend the applicant on the proposed work in the West 67th Street Playground, noting the sensitive approach to working within its historic configuration. In reviewing the drawings for both the West 67th and East 72nd Street Playgrounds, our committee felt that the same sensitivity employed at West 67th Street should be granted at East 72nd Street. Given that the playground’s oval shape dates back to the 1930s and Richard Dattner’s design was conceived within that framework, HDC would prefer to see the oval retained. That design continuity and connection to the playground’s history would be a shame to lose.

LPC determination: Approved


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