Sunday, June 9, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Requirements: Bikes in Safe Condition and Helmets.
Join Richard Sanford and Manny Sanudo, two New York City licensed guides for a memorable bicycle ride of Brooklyn visiting numerous scenic landmarks, parks and open spaces, historic neighborhoods, food destinations, and much more! We begin at Grand Army Plaza with our bicycle safety check. We’ll make sure our bikes are fit for this 4-hour experience – tires pumped up, brakes in working order, gears geared up and helmets nice and snug. (Yes, you’ll have to have a helmet to do the ride!) The tour will feature stops and discussion of all of Brooklyn’s designated Scenic Landmarks, from Eastern Parkway through Prospect Park, along the Ocean Parkway Malls, and all the way to the world-famous Coney Island Boardwalk! In addition, your knowledgeable guides will discuss many of the charming neighborhoods in the surrounding area on rides along quiet side streets. In less than 5 miles you’ll be at the beach in Coney Island to ride along the boardwalk and hear the history of the Cyclone Roller Coaster, Luna Park, The Boardwalk, and The Parachute Jump. The tour will finish with a visit to Nathan’s Famous where Americans first fell in love with the Hot Dog.
Friends / Seniors $15; General $20