Six to Celebrate Tour: Historic Districts of Brooklyn, Part 1

6:00 pm 7:30 pm
Jul 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023

6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Via Zoom

Since the groundbreaking NYC Landmarks Law was passed in 1965, the Landmarks Preservation Commission has designated 157 landmarked historic districts throughout the city. Some are quite large, encompassing a neighborhood, others are made up of only several buildings. Some have had extensions added over the years, protecting more buildings. Brooklyn currently has 45 historic districts. Our two-part presentation will cover them all. They will be grouped by neighborhood, and we’ll explore briefly when they were designated, why they are important, and show highlights of each. Our first virtual tour will look at the Heights and surrounding neighborhoods and Northern Brooklyn. Part Two will cover the neighborhoods of Central Brooklyn, around Prospect Park, Flatbush and South Brooklyn.

Friend of HDC (use code BKLYN1 ) / MAS Member: $15;
General Admission: $25

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