What are Special Purpose Districts? A Conversation with George Janes
Apr 2, 2024
March 26, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
Co-Sponsored by Landmark West!
In examining the proposed City of Yes zoning text amendments, the question has been raised about how City of Yes will impact the many Special Purpose Districts across the city. But what is a Special Purpose District and how do they help preserve unique community character?
The City Planning Commission has been designating these districts since 1969 to achieve specific planning and urban design objectives. These districts can also be seen as preservation tools in protecting specific streetscape characteristics but also zoning uses such as specific commercial corridors. Ranging from the Hillsides Preservation District of Staten Island to the Special Grand Concourse District of the Bronx, these tools are important, but not always well understood.
Join this online conversation with zoning expert George Janes where he explains the history of special districts in New York and how these can be used as a tool for neighborhood preservation, especially with the proposed changes coming from the City of Yes proposals.
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