New Design + Old Places: Post Conference Tours-Douglaston Pictures

Douglaston’s New Designs Saturday, April 26, 2014, 1pm The Douglaston Historic District is one of the preeminent examples of suburban-style housing with large, free-standing homes in a range of architectural styles. The houses are made more impressive by their sizable lots and mature greenery. The arcadian and expansive nature of the community has allowed for […]

A Walking Tour of Historic Libraries in the Village—and One New One!

2014 Pre-Confernce Tour Friday, October 4, 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon The 1960s renovation of the Jefferson Market Library in the West Village remains a milestone in adaptive reuse, but this tour will focus on new design in old buildings in the East Village.  We will start at a new branch in an old […]

Architectural Walking Tour of the Lower East Side

O! MULTITUDES!: THREE CENTURIES OF DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE ON THE LOWER EAST SIDEA PUBLIC WALKING TOUR Sunday March 25, 2007, 11:15 AM Discuss The Cultural And Social History of the Lower East Side Through The Perspective Of Housing. If landscape is history, as Henry James suggested, then housing is the history of NYC. Crank up your […]