Certificate of Appropriateness Testimony

HDC@LPC Testimony for May 2nd, 2023

Certificate of Appropriateness Testimony
56 West 12th Street – Greenwich Village Historic District
A Greek Revival Style rowhouse built in 1843. Application is to construct rooftop and rear yard additions and an in-ground pool in the rear yard.
HDC finds the proposed rear facade to be one story too high, especially given that the 2nd floor bulk is without precedent in this row. Additionally, we feel the windows should be compositionally consistent throughout the rear facade.
Action: No Action

1260 Broadway – Hotel Martinique – Individual Landmark
A French Renaissance style hotel designed by Henry J. Hardenbergh and built in three phases in 1897-98 (Building Segment I), 1901-03 (Building Segment II), and 1909-11 (Building Segment III). Application is to install a marquee, signage, light fixtures and louvers, and to establish a Master Plan governing future installation of storefront infill.
Architect: Building Studio Architects
HDC commends this applicant’s study, and finds the proposed marquee to be an appropriate and lovely adaptation of the original. We would encourage the applicant to use real, rather than synthetic, materials for the column restoration.
Action: Unanimously approved with condition that they work with the staff on field conditions for GFRC to ensure there isn’t a hollow sound, and attachment details of the owl sculptures.

200 Convent Avenue – City College, City University of New York (CUNY), North Campus – Individual Landmark
An English Collegiate Gothic style university building (Wingate Hall) designed by George B. Post and built in 1897-1906. Application is to amend Commission Advisory Report 19-33546 to alter the east façade and areaway to create a barrier-free entrance, including a portal, ramp, steps and lampposts.
Architect: Elemental Architecture LLC
HDC is pleased to support this elegant solution at City College.
Action: Unanimously approved to issue a positive advisory report.

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