The Bowery: A History of Grit, Graft and Grandeur, Book Talk & Lecture – 3/31
Thursday March 31, 7:30pm
The Bowery: A History of Grit, Graft and Grandeur
Eric Ferrara, Rob Hollander & David Mulkins
Sliding scale: $6/$10/$15
Free for Brecht Forum Subscribers
The Brecht Forum
451 West Street (West Side Highway)
between Bank & Bethune Streets
(212) 242-4201
Neighborhood preservation, community preservation and cultural preservation are often viewed as incompatible among progressives. Worse, city administration has driven a wedge between them with its current urban planning models of affordable housing. The progressive community — both unfunded local grassroots activists and funded advocacy organizations — are now compelled to choose between them. Is there a direction for progressive action that can harmonize the preservation of neighborhoods, their communities and their cultures for places like the Bowery and environs? It’s a debate that has torn progressives apart for the last decade, and continues today. Bowery history, in particular, challenges left analysis for the future.