The American immigration story and the important role Staten Island played

  Staten Island was home to the Marine Hospital quarantine station that operated from 1799-1858.  It was located approximately where the Staten Island Ferry Terminal is today, up the hill past Borough Hall and across from the St. George Theatre. In the 1840-1850s, there was a complex of “pest” tents and hospital structures. Patients were segregated by […]

Fleetweek/Memorial Day/Cemetery Event

Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries Presents: Annual Neighborhood Remembrance Day Celebration Friday, May 25, 2012 – Noon Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries, established 1834 Forest Avenue @ Willowbrook Road Honoring the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812 A traditional changing of the flag ceremony with United States Navy/Marine Corp, S.I. Fleetweek, Markham Intermediate School #51 band […]