This house is one of six Federal houses which compose a group that is unique in New York City. Nowhere else is there a survival of this many houses of this style – all of which retain their original pitched roofs and dormers. The fact that they wrap around a corner, showing a distinctive gable-end profile, also makes this group one-of-a kind in the City today. This two-and-one-half story house is constructed of Flemish bond brickwork. 29 Harrison Street was built in 1827 for a Sarah R. Lambert. This house and its neighbors show the craftsman-like attention to detail and scale- so pleasing to the eye – that Is characteristic of the Federal Style.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks
The Neighborhood
The area now known as Tribeca was originally developed in the early 19th century as a residential neighborhood close to the city’s center in Lower Manhattan. Its street grid was laid out at right angles off of Greenwich Street and on a diagonal off of...
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