Belleclaire Hotel

STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks

2171-2179 Broadway

ARCHITECT: Emery Roth; Stein Cohen & Roth

DATE: 1901-03

Manhattan Upper West Side

Designated 2/10/1987

The Hotel Belleclaire, one of a number of luxury apartment hotels constructed on the Upper West Side at the turn of the century, was the first major commission awarded to Emery Roth, at the time a struggling young architect. Roth went on to specialize in apartment house design, and during a career spanning more than forty years and well over two hundred projects, was to play an important role in the shaping of the Manhattan skyline. Best known for his towered apartment buildings on Central Park West, Roth’s early work has gone largely unrecognized.

STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks

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Upper West Side

The Upper West Side is located along the western side of Central Park from 59th Street to 110th Street. The Upper West Side has several Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks.

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