Carroll Gardens

Brooklyn , NY

Carroll Garden’s history goes back to the purchase of a large tract of land by the Dutch West India Company from the Mohawk Indians in 1636, later known as Gowanus. The neighborhood got its name in the the mid-1960s, prior to that it was considered part of Red Hook. Carroll Gardens was named after Carroll Park which was named after Charles Carroll, a Maryland signer of the Declaration of Independence, in honor of the Maryland regiment which defended the the Old Stone House at Gowanus,” on Third Street, during the Revolutionary War Battle of Long Island.

Carroll Gardens Historic District – Designated September 25, 1973

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Carroll Gardens Historic District
Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, NY, USA

STATUS: Designated Historic Districts

Aaron Dexter, Aaron Douglas, Abolitionist, Academic ... VIEW ALL

Designated September 25, 1973 This quiet, residential district is made up of over 160 buildings. Most of them are two- LEARN MORE
Designated September 25, 1973 This quiet, residential district is made up of over 160 buildings. Most of them are two- LEARN MORE
South Congregational Church, Chapel, Ladies Parlor, and Rectory
253-269 President Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

STATUS: Designated Individual Landmarks

Aaron Dexter, Aaron Douglas, Abolitionist, Academic ... VIEW ALL

Designated March 23, 1982 The South Congregational Church is a brick structure enhanced by a series of recessed arches expressive LEARN MORE
Designated March 23, 1982 The South Congregational Church is a brick structure enhanced by a series of recessed arches expressive LEARN MORE