The former 68th Police Precinct Station House and Stable are located within Sunset Park, a planned community developed to accommodate the middle- and lower-class industrial workers who began migrating to the Brooklyn waterfront after the Civil War. Emile M. Gruwe designed the buildings in a Romanesque Revival style. The front elevation of the three-story brick station house is dominated by a massive projecting corner tower that is decorated on the first floor by a limestone Byzantine band course carved with dogs’ faces and foliate motifs. A brick passage leads to the stable, a simple two-story building.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks
The Neighborhood
Sunset Park
Sunset Park’s standout building type is the masonry rowhouse. In fact, Sunset Park contains one of the earliest and most extensive concentrations of two-family masonry rowhouses in the city. Mostly built between 1885 and 1912, these stunning blocks are accented by commercial thoroughfares and institutional...
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