The Astral Apartments is a massive, six-story apartment house faced with brick and terra cotta, occupying the entire blockfront on the east side of Franklin Street between India and Java Streets in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. In 1885-86, Charles Pratt, oil merchant and philanthropist, built the Astral Apartments for workers in Greenpoint. Designed by the New York architectural firm of Lamb & Rich, the building was considered highly innovative at the time of its construction. It raised contemporary standards for workers’ housing by including a kitchen in each apartment with a scullery alcove from which a separate room with toilet opened, bathrooms with large tubs with hot and cold water, steam heat, marble floors and wainscoting, and polished ash woodwork.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks
The Neighborhood
Spurred by a period of economic growth and an influx of European immigrants during the 1850s, more than a dozen shipbuilding firms turned the neighborhood into a major shipbuilding center. While shipbuilding declined after the Civil War, Greenpoint’s other industrial enterprises, which included porcelain making, glass making, and...
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