The Stafford House, originally constructed for the family of Captain John H. Stafford, a distinguished member of City Island’s maritime community, is an authentic Craftsman-style bungalow from Sears, Roebuck and Company. The one-story house, which features front and side porches with prominent gabled roofs and rustic materials such as stucco, wood timbers, and brick, is an excellent example of Sears’ “Osbourne” model, offered in catalogues from 1916 until 1929 and advertised as inspired by the “Golden West.” Owned by the Stafford family until 1991, the Stafford “Osborn” House survives largely intact except for minor modifications.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks
The Neighborhood
The Bronx
The only borough contiguous with the mainland of the United States, the Bronx was named for Jonas Bronck who established a settlement in the area in 1639. The Bronx’s main thoroughfare, the Grand Concourse, was conceived as part of the City Beautiful movement. It was...
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