Designation date: September, 1987
The Carroll Street Bridge over the Gowanus canal, built in 1888-89, is one of the oldest bridges in New York City and the oldest of four known extant late-nineteenth/early-twentieth century American bridges of the “retractile” type. This unusual movable bridge functions by rolling back horizontally on wheels set on steel rails, thus providing clear passage through the canal channel. The Carroll Street Bridge was designed by engineers of the Brooklyn Department of City Works; the superstructure was constructed by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, a subsidiary of the prominent firm of Cooper, Hewitt & Company. It continues to operate essentially as it has since its completion.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks
The Neighborhood
In its day, the Gowanus Canal was the center of industrial growth in Brooklyn and remains a spectacular piece of commercial infrastructure. It was the main reason that Brooklyn transformed from farmland to an industrial giant in the latter half of the 19th and early...
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