Designated August 22, 1978
Eastern Parkway, one of Brooklyn’s finest assets, established a new concept in urban thoroughfare. Begun in 1870 and completed in 1874, it was the first of Frederick Law Olmsted 1 S parkways to see completion. The roadway incorporates malls with trees, pleasure drives, walkways and service roads, and was designed to draw the rural character of Prospect Park through Brooklyn. The formal elegance of the parkway attracted such prestigious cultural institutions as the Brooklyn Museum, the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and the Brooklyn Public Library.
STATUS Designated Scenic Landmarks
The Neighborhood
Crown Heights
The name “Crown Heights” was used starting around 1910 to describe the area south of Eastern Parkway. The area north of the parkway was called “Bedford” well into the 20th century, since the area was considered part of Bedford-Stuyvesant.
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