The main banking room of the old Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank is a grand and elegant interior space fitted with fine materials and beautiful ornament. The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank was established in 1850 and was an important aid to Irish immigrants settling in New York during the second half of the 19th century.
This bank was a forerunner of the large number of vast, elaborately decorated banking rooms which proliferated in New York in the J920’s. The banking room reflects the Beaux-Arts training of the architect, and his experience in institutional design and planning and succeeds in being majestic without being overwhelming.
STATUS Designated Interior Landmarks
The Neighborhood
The area now known as Tribeca was originally developed in the early 19th century as a residential neighborhood close to the city’s center in Lower Manhattan. Its street grid was laid out at right angles off of Greenwich Street and on a diagonal off of...
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