The Prentiss Residence, designed by noted architect C.P.H. Gilbert and constructed in 1899-1901, is an elegant Beaux-Arts style town house located on a prominent site at the intersection of West 72nd Street and Riverside Drive and is one of four grand townhouses remaining at that corner.
Designed and built in accordance with restrictive covenants in an area long intended for high-quality residential development, it is an excellent example of an impressive townhouse designed for that area. A town house with an American basement plan, the Prentiss Residence is faced in limestone and has curved bays at the front and side facades and a mansard roof enlivened with dorniers and a turret. These features, combined with the siting of the building, give the town house a striking presence at the gateway to Riverside Drive.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks
The Neighborhood
Upper West Side
The Upper West Side is located along the western side of Central Park from 59th Street to 110th Street. The Upper West Side has several Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks.
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