John King Vanderbilt House

STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks

1197 Clove Road

CLIENT: John King Vanderbilt


DATE: 1836

STYLE: Greek Revival

Greek Revival Staten Island Sunnyside

Constructed at a time when Staten Island was rapidly evolving from an isolated rural area to a community populated by new institutions and their structures, suburban developments, and growing villages, the John King Vanderbilt House is a telling survivor of this transitional period. A Manhattan grocer who became active in real estate transactions, Vanderbilt joined the growing influx of newcomers to Staten Island in 1825.

Constructed c. 1836, the Vanderbilt House illustrates how the Greek Revival style, which had been adopted for contemporary institutional and residential structures on the island, modified and incorporated existing building traditions. The distinguishing features of the more urbane Vanderbilt House include its imposing two-and-a-half story height, Greek Revival inspired entranceway, facade-wide porch and twin end-wall chimneys.

STATUS Designated Individual Landmarks

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Local Voices

“I don’t know what the City would be without HDC. [They] testified before LPC time after time and helped us focus on the right issues. We would not be an historic district without HDC! ”

Doreen Gallo: DUMBO Neighborhood Alliance

Local Voices

“Use HDC as a resource because they know what they are doing and can offer advice on how to go about creating a district from every front: architectural, political, LPC, and the media. I had floundered prior to my involvement with this invaluable organization.”

Fern Luskin: Lamartine Place Historic District; Friends of Lamartine Place & Gibbons Underground Railroad Site

Local Voices

“HDC provided guidance and shared information during that process—we knew which Council members were going one way or another and we changed a few minds. I don’t think NoHo would have had as cohesive a district had it not been for HDC’s aid.”

Zella Jones: NoHo Historic District; NoHo East; and NoHo Extension

Local Voices

“I remember Richard saying at a meeting, we have someone here from HDC, Nadezhda Williams, Director of Preservation and Research, to help us. She said to us, ‘You are not the only ones going through this.’ HDC included us in an enormous community”

Erika Petersen: West End Preservation Society

Local Voices

"HDC has begun a series of projects to highlight the Bronx's architectural and cultural history. From booklet's and research highlighting specific sites and historic districts to the HDC's symposium in October 2018 to the latest community-based committee to look into further possible sites to qualify for landmarking, the HDC has established projects that will serve the Bronx community well."

Elena Martinez
City Lore, Folklorist
Bronx Music Heritage Center, Co-Artistic Director

Local Voices

"Welcome2TheBronx is grateful for the advocacy done by the Historic Districts Council on behalf of the people of The Bronx. Through their deep connections and understanding of the importance of preserving our local histories, The Bronx has been able to have several spotlights shown on endangered communities as gentrification creeps into the borough."

Ed García Conde,
founder and Executive Director,