The Rodin studios building, built in 1916-17, was designed by Cass Gilbert specifically for artists. Named for the most innovative living artist of the time, it represents a refinement on the earlier essays in what was a relatively new building type.
The two principal elevations of this fourteen-story, reinforced concrete frame building, are sheathed in rough brick, polychromatic buff to gray, laid in American bond. The elaborate and extensive terra-cotta and iron trim is molded and cast in the late Gothic-early Classical motifs which characterize the French Renaissance style, the style of the neighboring Arts Students League as well as a style Gilbert thought appropriate for artists.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmark
The Neighborhood
Upper West Side
The Upper West Side is located along the western side of Central Park from 59th Street to 110th Street. The Upper West Side has several Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks.
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