Designated: June 18, 2019
*The Sunset Park North Historic District consists of two well-preserved blocks of more than 50 buildings overlooking Sunset Park and recalling its neighborhood’s transformation into a working- and middle-class community at the turn of the 20th century. It is remarkably cohesive, consisting of two expansive, uniform rows of two-story, two-family houses built in 1903 and 1908 in the Renaissance Revival style, as well as a small group of four-story flats buildings constructed between 1910 and 1914 on the corners of Sixth Avenue and 44th Street.
*excerpt from the Landmarks Preservation Commission
The Neighborhood
Sunset Park
Sunset Park’s standout building type is the masonry rowhouse. In fact, Sunset Park contains one of the earliest and most extensive concentrations of two-family masonry rowhouses in the city. Mostly built between 1885 and 1912, these stunning blocks are accented by commercial thoroughfares and institutional...
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