The elegant doorway with its arched opening is framed by a pair of engaged Tuscan columns. It is crowned by an entablature that connects with the second floor belt course. Reminiscent of the Federal style are the floor length windows of the second story and the plain lintels above the square-headed openings. The bulls-eye (oculus) windows of the fourth floor and the belt courses, together with the carved marble cornice and balustrade above it, have an urban richness and refinement which give the building great dignity and considerable architectural sophistication.
STATUS Designated Individual Landmark
The Neighborhood
Yorkville’s heyday as a distinct immigrant community was relatively short-lived. German immigration to New York peaked in 1882, and by the early 20th century, Yorkville’s Germans were already moving farther afield, using the recently built subway to access newer, more affordable neighborhoods in the outer...
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