Endangered Bay Ridge Church Subject of Community Meeting

From The Brooklyn Paper Wild meeting over the Green ChurchBy Matthew Lysiak Everyone in Bay Ridge believes the Green Church should be saved — everyone except the parishioners at this century-old house of worship, that is. Church officials and preservationists squared off with parishioners on Monday night at an “emergency meeting” over the fate of […]

Archaeological Findings Aid St. Saviour's Campaign

Possible Human Remains Reignite Church Debate by Colin Gustafson , Assistant Editor, Queens Chronicle A civic group fighting to preserve a historic church claimed Monday that it had found archaeological evidence suggesting that the city erred in denying landmark status to the property. But city officials said the findings have no bearing on their decision.According […]

Protesters of Church Closing Arrested

If the protests in Boston are any indiciation, this is only the beginning of the backlash.February 14, 2007From the New York TimesA Church Protest Ends Quickly, but the Anger Is Likely to Endure By JAMES BARRON “Carmen Villegas did not expect the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York to send burly guards into her church, […]

SHPO & LPC Agree on Archaeological Potential for St. Saviour's

From the JUNIPER PARK CIVIC ASSOCIATION ([email protected]) LPC & SHPO AGREE: ST. SAVIOUR’S HAS HIGH ARCHAEOLOGICAL POTENTIAL (February 12, 2007) In two shocking revelations, both the NYS Office of Historic Preservation and the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) have admitted that the St. Saviour’s site contains the potential for recovery of archaeologically significant materials, including […]

Community protests St. John the Divine Developments

Ordinarily we let news stories pass without comment and speak for themselves but a little history is called for here. It was at the behest of the Morningside Heights Historic District Committee that the designation of the Close of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine was turned back at the City Council, which had […]

Report on a Chelsea Blog about the GTS Proposal

Community Board 4 Votes Against General Theological Seminary’s Luxury Condo Development on 9th Ave. The full board of Community Board 4, after hours of speeches, voted to approve the resolution against the General Theological Seminary’s application to built a 15 story luxury condo on their 9th Ave. property. Before the meeting, we didn’t have any […]