Statement Opposing the proposed NY Methodist Hospital Development in Park Slope

February 4, 2014   Hon. Meenakshi Srinivasan, Chair NYC Board of Standards & Appeals 250 Broadway, 29th Floor New York, NY 10007   Regarding 505-525 6th Street (Block 1084; Lots 25, 26, 28, 39-44, 46, 50-59, 164, 1001 & 1002) BSA Calendar No.289-13-BZ   Dear Chair Srinivasan,   The Historic Districts Council is the citywide […]

Preservation Now!: Free February Talks and Panels

Historic Districts Council’s 19th Annual Preservation Conference: Preservation Now! Pre-Conference Panel Discussions: As part of Preservation Now!,HDC is pleased to present panel discussions on emerging topics in preservation. These programs are FREE but RSVP is required. Preservation and Technology Wednesday, February 20, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Advances in technology have changed the ways we can interpret […]

Joint Meeting of the City Council Housing and Land Use Committees: HDC Testimony

Statement of the Historic Districts Council Joint Meeting of the City Council Housing and Land Use Committees May 2, 2012   The Historic Districts Council is a nonprofit community service organization that works with over 500 neighborhood groups to preserve New York City’s historic buildings and communities. Since 1971, we have worked with, for and […]

Statement on the Riverside-West End Historic District Extension I

Statement of the Historic Districts Council Designation Hearing March 22, 2011 Item 7 BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, LP 2463 PROPOSED RIVERSIDE DRIVE-WEST END HISTORIC DISTRICT EXTENSION 1 The Historic Districts Council is the advocate for New York City’s designated historic districts and neighborhoods meriting preservation. The Historic Districts Council been impressed by LPC’s swift and generous […]

Regarding the Proposed East Village Historic District

Statement of the Historic Districts Council Before Manhattan Community Board Three Regarding the Proposed Designation of the Lower East Side/East Village Historic District July 26, 2011 Good evening, I am Simeon Bankoff, executive director of the Historic Districts Council. HDC is the citywide advocate for New York’s historic neighborhoods. We work with community groups throughout […]

Regarding the Designation of the second Crown Heights Historic District

October 27, 2009 Statement of the Historic Districts Council before the Landmarks Preservation Commission in support of the designation of the proposed Crown Heights North II Historic District  The Historic Districts Council is the city-wide advocate for New York City’s historic districts and for neighborhood meriting preservation.  HDC is very pleased to offer enthusiastic support […]

Regarding the Landmark Designation of the Wallabout Historic District

Statement of the Historic Districts Council Before the Landmarks Preservation Commission Regarding the proposed Wallabout Historic District October 26, 2010 The Historic Districts Council is the citywide advocate for New York’s historic neighborhoods. As part of our efforts to better grapple with the dozens of communities citywide desirous of historic district status, for the past […]


Statement of the Historic Districts Council Designation Hearing March 22, 2011 Item 7 BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN LP 2463 PROPOSED RIVERSIDE DRIVE-WEST END HISTORIC DISTRICT EXTENSION 1  The Historic Districts Council is the advocate for New York City’s designated historic districts and neighborhoods meriting preservation. The Historic Districts Council been impressed by LPC’s swift and generous […]


Statement of the Historic Districts Council Designation Hearing March 22, 2011 Item 7 BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN LP 2463 PROPOSED RIVERSIDE DRIVE-WEST END HISTORIC DISTRICT EXTENSION 1  The Historic Districts Council is the advocate for New York City’s designated historic districts and neighborhoods meriting preservation. The Historic Districts Council been impressed by LPC’s swift and generous […]


Statement of the Historic Districts Council Designation Hearing March 22, 2011 Item 6 BOROUGH OF QUEENS LP 2448 PROPOSED CENTRAL RIDGEWOOD HISTORIC DISTRICT The Historic Districts Council is the advocate for New York City’s designated historic districts and neighborhoods meriting preservation. The Historic Districts Council commends the Landmarks Preservation Commission for bringing forward this neighborhood […]