40th Birthday Campaign

40th Birthday Campaign: $40,000 for 40 Years


In 1971, a group of passionate New Yorkers formed an organization to preserve the City’s historic neighborhoods. They called it the Historic Districts Council—and began to work directly with neighborhoods who wanted to preserve their historic homes and communities. Fast forward…

Today, the Historic Districts Council is New York City’s leading force for neighborhood preservation. More than 35 historic districts exist because of our direct advocacy and another 40 received significant help. We have supported and fought for more than 300 different neighborhoods across the five boroughs of New York. Working with local activists, we have generated a greater sense of community, enhanced the value of homes, and stimulated new development that fits the community context. We have educated neighborhood leaders through more than 200 educational programs and raised public awareness of our city’s heritage. We have lobbied and harangued generations of officials and decision makers about important preservation policies. To celebrate our 40th birthday, we launched Six to Celebrate, which each year will identify six historic New York City neighborhoods that merit preservation as priorities for HDC’s advocacy and consultation. But we need your help to continue our work for another 40 years!

View list of our top 40 accomplishmnets over the past 40 years

We now invite you to make a gift to the 40th Birthday Campaign.

All donors to the Campaign will be listed on the HDC website and in a special Campaign publication. All donations to the HDC Birthday Campaign are fully tax deductible.

40th Birthday Present

Personalized Birthday Present -Multiples of 4