March 4, 2025
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
Historic Preservation abounds with stories of buildings under threat due to abandonment, willful neglect, vandalism, and/or new construction. Over the course of its 125-year history, the former 75th Police Precinct Station House faced all of these threats and more until an enterprising developer acquired the building for preservation, opting to capitalize on federal and state historic tax credits through a sensitive rehabilitation. Having served as the historic tax credit consultant on the project, Gregory Dietrich will present an insider’s look at the remarkable trajectory of this former station house, from its iconic design in the late nineteenth century to its jarring alterations to facilitate church use in the mid-twentieth century to its total abandonment and devastation by the early twenty-first century to its ultimate reconstruction, restoration, and rehabilitation as a homeless shelter over the past decade. Topics of this presentation will include the historical context of its development, architectural style, materials and craftsmanship, near-total destruction and revitalization, and economic benefits derived from its rehabilitation.
General Admission $5 / AIA Credit $25
About the presenter: Gregory Dietrich is the sole proprietor of Gregory Dietrich Preservation, where his work entails National Register Nominations, historic tax credit applications, and grant applications, among numerous other consulting services. In addition to his practice, he currently serves as an adjunct instructor within the College of Arts and Science at New York University and has presented as a guest lecturer, panelist, and tour guide at a range of educational, cultural, and civic institutions both here and abroad.