Borough Hall Skyscraper
The Borough Hall Skyscraper historic district is within the Brooklyn Borough Hall neighborhood, formally known as Brooklyn City Hall. The area was greatly developed as a major downtown office district in the post-Civil War period. Development continued until the Great Depression in the 1930s. The collection of 21 building in the district remain a reminder of the fast-paced development that was so prevailt in the late 19th-early 20th century. Designated September 13, 2011.
Title: Court Street looking south along Skyscraper Row towards Brooklyn City Hall, now Brooklyn Borough Hall (1845-48, Gamaliel King) and the Brooklyn Municipal Building (1923-26, McKenzie, Voorhees & Gmelin).
Historic District: Borough Hall Skyscraper
Keywords: Skyscraper Row, Brooklyn Municipal Building
Image: LPC Borough Hall Skyscraper Designation Report- Christopher D. Brazee, 2011
To make an appointment to view all images from this historic district, please e-mail [email protected] or call (212) 614-9107.