Deserving but not Designated-Brooklyn

Deserved but not Designated are neighborhoods in New York City which have submitted comprehensive Requests For Evaluation (RFEs) and/or have had public hearings at the Landmarks Preservation Commission, yet remain unprotected by landmark designation.  These landmark-worthy places possess the same qualities as landmark districts, such as architectural integrity, historic significance and distinct neighborhood character. HDC seeks to increase awareness of these deserving neighborhoods with an ultimate goal of gaining official NYC landmark designation for them.

The first step in the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s designation process is the formal Request For Evaluation. The RFE form is available on the Landmark Commission’s website (here) and only asks for basic information. Once an RFE has been submitted, a formal conversation with the LPC can begin. However, experienced advocates often supplement the brief form with supporting materials. These often substantial presentations are usually the product of countless hours of volunteer activity by neighborhood activists spent researching, writing, photographing and fundraising to better represent their case for preservation to the city.

74 Halsey Street






Crown Heights North cover photo

 Crown Heights North





park slope DSCN0637

 Park Slope 






Sunset Park 





Beverley Sq E. -217 E. 19th

 Victorian Flatbush