Manhattan Landmarks-Hamilton Heights/ and Extension

Hamilton Heights Historic District/ and Extension

The Hamilton Heights historic district was mainly developed from the late 1890s  to 1906. The district contains three-story brick houses built in 1895, several lines of rowhouses, as well as three churches, the earliest being St. Luke’s Episcopal Church built in 1892-95, and several schools.  Designated November 26, 1974 and extended

“The Hamilton Heights Historic District Extension consists of 51 buildings, including 31
row houses, 17 apartment buildings, and 3 related (and contiguous) ecclesiastical structures.”1 Designated March 28, 2000

1-Excerpt from the LPC Hamilton Heights Extension  Designation Report

Hamilton Heights and Ext2

Title: Hamilton Heights and Ext2

Borough: Manhattan

Historic District:  Hamilton Heights/ Hamilton Heights Extension

Keywords: rowhouse, brick, half-timber

Description: rowhouses

Designation Report


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