November 15, 2011

Item 7
123607- Block 527, lot 89-
23 Downing Street – Greenwich Village Extension II Historic District
An altered Renaissance Revival style rowhouse built in 1826. Application is to construct rooftop and rear yard additions, reconstruct portions of the building, and excavate the rear yard.

HDC finds the rooftop addition which is not visible from the public way to be appropriate as long as the 1826 building can actually support it.  On the rear façade though we feel too much historic fabric is being removed and the character of the building being erased.  The existing, an interesting jumble that reminds us of Bohemia, should not be lost to a homogenous, regularized wall.  We also find the full width, full length excavation of the rear yard to be excessive and ask that it be pulled in from the rear lot line.

LPC determination:  approved

Designation Reports:
Landmarks Preservation Commission:
Posted Under: HDC@LPC