Certificate of Appropriateness Testimony

HDC@LPC Testimony for January 30, 2024


39 Grace Court – Brooklyn Heights Historic District


A vacant lot with an historic fence. Application is to remove the fence and construct a new building.

Architect: Ryall Sheridan Carroll Architects

HDC finds the massing and bulk of this new building to be largely appropriate, but we are concerned that some of the building’s proportions and detailing are not yet fully resolved and require further refinement.

It seems clear that the applicants are trying to design a building that will largely disappear into the neighborhood. To achieve that, we believe the oriel window requires further careful study, because it currently looks too small. Additionally the detailing of the roof and cornice is awkward. We encourage the applicant to make a more careful study of the bays and oriels in their precedent images and then develop those details. 

The fenestration on the rear facade is also unresolved. There appear to be six or seven different window types within five different masonry openings. Further study of this garden facade might help the applicant reduce the number of window types used.

Action: No action

Governors Island – Buildings 111, 112 and 114 – Governors Island Historic District

Buildings 111 and 112 are neo-Georgian style Officer’s Quarters, designed by Rogers and Poor and constructed in 1934, and Building 114 is a neo-Georgian style Nurse’s Quarters/later Bachelor Officers Quarters, designed by Rogers and Poor and constructed in 1934. Application is to construct barrier-free access ramps and install light poles.

Architect: Robert D. Henry Architects

HDC finds this proposal to be appropriate, but in need of some material refinement. 

HDC is glad that the project will bring necessary ADA access to this building. We believe that quality is a mark of equality, so this mode of access should be just as beautiful as the existing building.

Because of that, we believe this ramp should be clad in limestone rather than the proposed “stucco finish to match existing limestone”  Additionally, the ramp’s steel railing and guard rail would benefit from the addition of some brick masonry piers similar to what currently exists at the terrace railing and would help this vital piece of access infrastructure blend more seamlessly with the existing structure. 

Action: Unanimously approved with modification that the steps be removed from the ramp at 111

121 Waverly Place – Greenwich Village Historic District

A Greek Revival Style rowhouse built in 1843. Application is to replace windows.

HDC finds this proposal to be largely appropriate. 

That said, we note that the Greenwich Village Historic Designation Report specifically refers to 121 Waverly’s “second story floor length windows with tall shutters.” We believe the shutters should be maintained.

Action: Unanimously approved

180 Waverly Place – Greenwich Village Historic District

A Greek Revival style rowhouse built in 1839. Application is to replace windows, construct rooftop and rear yard additions, and alter the rear facade.

Architect: Spivak Architects

HDC finds this proposal to be largely appropriate, but we feel certain items need adjustment and further refinement.

HDC supports lengthening the parlor floor windows on the front facade, but we find the 4-over-4 muntin inappropriate. Although the project is copying the neighboring house, we believe the correct muntin configuration for this would be a 6 over 9.  

While HDC typically objects to second floor rear yard full width extensions, we understand that this building is already flanked by three story rear yard additions, which make this one appropriate.

The proposed change to the top floor of the rear wall, however, is not appropriate. Because the original condition is extant at that top floor, and it currently aligns with its neighbor to one side,  it should be preserved. There are other ways for the applicant to resolve the ceiling height issue and  maintain the existing back wall and cornice, which we encourage the applicant to pursue.  

Finally the rooftop bulkhead should be pulled back further from the rear wall.  

Action: Approved 8-2 with modification that the roof rail at the front and the elevator bulkhead at the rear be set back.

3 Great Jones Street – NoHo Historic District

A Greek Revival style residence with alterations, built in 1844-45. Application is to modify and enlarge window openings and install new windows infill.

Architect: Clouds AO

HDC supports the widening of these masonry openings, but feels that the windows themselves should relate compositionally and typologically more to the existing windows. 

Action: Unanimously approved with modification that the windows be set back in the plane.

161 West 13th Street – Greenwich Village Historic District

A Greek Revival style rowhouse built in 1847-1848. Application is to construct a rooftop addition, enlarge an existing rear extension, and excavate at the cellar.

Architect: Emporium Design

HDC finds the proposed 2nd floor rear yard extension to be inappropriate. We ask that the Commission maintain a two story addition here. 

Action: Held Over

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