*Set back a considerable distance from Fifth Avenue, this handsome building is placed behind a long terrace extending the full length of the Fifth Avenue side. Flanked by the famous lions, broad steps lead to this terrace separated from the street by a raised parapet wall and a landscaped enclosure. A handsome low-rise flight of steps leads to the imposing entrance dominated by a superb central pavilion with a deep set triple arched portico embellished with coupled Corinthian columns. Surmounting the colonnade is an attic wall with six sculptured figures standing on the ledge of the ornately decorated cornice extending the full length of the building. On either side of the central pavilion wall niches contain sculptured figures above fountains, and five arched windows alternate with fluted Corinthian columns. The building terminates with the excellently proportioned pedimented end pavilions.
This building comes closer than any other in America to the complete realization of Beaux Arts design at its best. It has somehow managed to keep that light airy quality, so often seen only in architectural drawings, so rarely achieved in execution.
*Excerpt from the The New York Public Library Designation Report
The New York Public Library (Stephen A. Schwarzman Building) is also an interior landmark
STATUS Designated Exterior and Interior Landmarks
The Neighborhood
Midtown is home to some of the city's most iconic buildings, including the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and the headquarters of the United Nations, as well as the Rockefeller Center, Broadway, and Times Square. Midtown is sometimes split into three sections including Midtown...
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