Coffee Talk- Carolyn Grossman,

June 3 8:30 – 10:00 AM The Department of City Planning’s mission is to promote strategic growth, transit-oriented development and sustainable communities, in part by initiating comprehensive, consensus-based planning and zoning changes for individual neighborhoods and business districts, as well as establishing policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide.  It supports the City Planning Commission and each […]

Coffee Talk- Carolyn Grossman,

June 3 8:30 – 10:00 AM The Department of City Planning’s mission is to promote strategic growth, transit-oriented development and sustainable communities, in part by initiating comprehensive, consensus-based planning and zoning changes for individual neighborhoods and business districts, as well as establishing policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide.  It supports the City Planning Commission and each […]

Cathedral of St. John the Divine- Nominated for three registers of endangered sites-

GLOBAL ACTIONS WILL HELP PREVENT THE DESECRATION OF THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE IN NEW YORK CITY In an unprecedented step, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine has been nominated to three major national and international registers of endangered sites. Located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, the Cathedral is the […]

Cathedral of St. John the Divine- Nominated for three registers of endangered sites-

GLOBAL ACTIONS WILL HELP PREVENT THE DESECRATION OF THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE IN NEW YORK CITY In an unprecedented step, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine has been nominated to three major national and international registers of endangered sites. Located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, the Cathedral is the […]

P.S. 199 (270 West 70th Street) Support Letter to Robert Tierney

P.S. 199 (270 West 70th Street) April 16, 2013 Honorable Robert Tierney Landmarks Preservation Commission Chair Municipal Building 1 Center Street, 9th Floor New York City, New York 10007   Dear Chair Tierney, I am writing today to join Council Member Gale Brewer, Landmark West!, and others in urging you to calendar P.S. 199 (270 […]

Committee to Save the New York Public Library: The Central Library Plan

The Truth About the Central Library Plan Executive Summary The Central Library Plan (CLP) would close and sell two major public libraries – the Mid-Manhattan branch and the Science, Industry, and Business Library (SIBL) – and consolidate their functions within the 42nd Street Research Library building. To accomplish this, the Research Library’s seven-story book stacks […]

Coffee Talk- Requests for Evaluations with Mary Beth Betts

May 6 8:30 – 10:00 AM Neighborhood Preservation Center 232 East 11th Street New York, NY 10003 Each year, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission receives and evaluates approximately 200 Requests for Evaluation for new landmarks, historic districts and historic district extensions.  The LPC’s RFE form, available on their website, requests that applicants provide as much information about the property […]

Coffee Talk- Requests for Evaluations with Mary Beth Betts

May 6 8:30 – 10:00 AM Neighborhood Preservation Center 232 East 11th Street New York, NY 10003 Each year, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission receives and evaluates approximately 200 Requests for Evaluation for new landmarks, historic districts and historic district extensions.  The LPC’s RFE form, available on their website, requests that applicants provide as much information about the property […]


THE DOMINO EFFECT with the documentarian of the film: Megan Sperry Monday, April 29th 6:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. Neighborhood Preservation Center, 232 East 11th Street, New York, NY 10003. You must RSVP to attend. Please contact [email protected] or 212.614.9107. The Community Preservation Corporation’s “New Domino” project—the redevelopment of the Domino Sugar Factory on the East River into a complex of 2,200 […]

HDC's Statement on the NYPL's Central Library Plan

NYPL’s Central Library Plan The New York Public Library is an institution that embodies the altruistic principle that education is the great societal elevator. It was founded in the belief that everyone should have access to the resources necessary for self-improvement. Unfortunately, with the NYPL’s pursuit of the Central Library Plan, it appears that mission […]