Help Save the Bowery
BAN is a new group of community members who are concerned about the out-of-scale over development of the Bowery. BAN stands for- Bowery Alliance of Neighbors. Our goal is to get the Department of City Planning to address the impact of this development on our community.
This will ultimately affect all of us.
We have drafted the attached petition, and are asking your help to collect signatures.
What can you do?
Sign the petition online:
Print off the petition and collect signatures. Completed petiitons can be dropped off or sent to:
c/o Cooper Square
61 East 4th Street
New York, New York 10003
The Bowery, which comes from the Dutch word “bouwerij” for farm, has always been significant in New York City history. Before the Dutch settled here, in the 1600’s, this was a Native American trail. By the end of the 18th century the Bowery was lined with fashionable shops and mansions, which later became Restaurant Supply, and Lighting Districts. With its neighboring Chinatown, Little Italy and the Lower East Side immigrant communities, this is one of the most culturally and historically diverse regions of the City. The Bowery remains one of the last true north/south running streets in New York City.
This rich history is being systematically eradicated, by unprecedented development. The low-rise character of the Bowery is being replaced by high-rise dormitories, boutique hotels and luxury buildings, which are out-of-scale with the rest of the residential community, including the historic NOHO District. In addition to preservation issues, this development will have a horrendous effect on the “quality of life” for community residents – more noise, traffic, sidewalk and street congestion, air pollution, bars, clubs, etc. What was a commercial “daytime” shopping strip is quickly turning into a raucous nightlife district.
Most of the development is “as-of-right”, meaning that it does not require a special permit or variance. Developers are simply taking advantage of existing zoning bonuses and the transfer of air rights, therefore environmental studies are not required.
We respectfully request that:
The Department of City Planning include the Bowery in the current 197C Plan being drafted for the Lower East Side.
The Department of City Planning and City Council pass immediate legislation to ensure that this “as of right” development does not continue.
The Department of City Planning perform an Environmental Impact Study and take measures to mitigate the negative impact of this development on our community.
You can get in touch with BAN directly at – [email protected]