Historic Districts Council 2013 Grassroots Preservation Awards and Annual Preservation Party
Each year, the Historic Districts Council honors activists and groups who have campaigned for community preservation in New York City. The Grassroots Preservation Awards are given to those who have worked tirelessly for their neighborhoods and communities, and have strove to better our city through their efforts.
This Year’s Award winners are a broad group who have successful gotten their neighborhoods designated as local and national landmarks, have fougght against damaging proposals in all five boroughs and furthered preservation efforts in their communities.
Date: Thursday May 23, 2013
Location: Village Community School, 272 W 10th St New York, NY 10014
Time: 6:30 pm
To View Pictures From The Event Click Here
The 2013 Grassroots Awards recipients were:
• The Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project
• New Amsterdam Market’s Robert LaValva
• NYC Parks Advocate Geoffrey Croft
•NYU Faculty Against the Sexton Plan
• The Aquinas Honor Society of the Immaculate Conception School
• Friend in High Places: Council Member Stephen Levin of Brooklyn’s 33rd District
• Friend from the Media Award: The Tribeca Trib.