Proposed Bill for Timely Consideration of RFEs by Landmarks Commission
Int. No. 222-A
By Council Members Lappin, Lander, Brewer, Chin, Comrie, Mendez, Van Bramer and Williams
To amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to timely consideration of requests for evaluation by the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Section 25-302 of chapter 3 of title 25 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding new subdivisions b-1, v-1, v-2 and w-1 to read as follows:
b-1. “Calendaring.” The process by which the commission determines a hearing date for a proposed landmark, historic district or scenic corridor.
v-1. “Request for evaluation.” The document submitted to the commission for consideration of designating a landmark, interior landmark, historic district or scenic landmark.
v-2. “Request for evaluation committee.” The chairman, the executive director, the chief of staff and the director of research of the commission.
w-1. “Submitter.” Person or body filing a request for evaluation.
§ 2. Section 25-303 of chapter 3 of title 25 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new subdivision l to read as follows:
l. Every request for evaluation proposing a property for landmark designation shall be submitted to the commission’s request for evaluation committee within 120 days of receipt by the commission, and all request for evaluation committee recommendations, whether positive or negative, shall be reported promptly in writing to the full commission.
2. A request for evaluation may be submitted to the commission’s request for evaluation committee within 180 days of receipt by the commission if the submitter is given written notice of such extension within 30 days of receipt by the commission.
§3. This local law shall take effect immediately.
LS #1732