Supporting Sunnyside Gardens
From: Eric Gioia <mailto:[email protected]>
Date: Sep 26, 2007 11:34 AM
Subject: Sunnyside News from Councilman Eric Gioia
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
Greetings to you and your family! As fall arrives, I wanted to write and update you on some important neighborhood developments, including the creation of the Sunnyside Business Improvement District, City Council hearings on landmarking Sunnyside Gardens, graffiti cleanup day, and greenmarkets in Sunnyside and Long Island City.
It gives me great pride to walk up the steps of City Hall every day to represent the neighborhood where I grew up. As always, if you would like additional information on any of these topics, please call my office at 718.383.9566.
Sincerely yours, Eric Gioia
Sunnyside Gardens Landmarking Hearing
On October 9th at 11 am at City Hall, the Landmarks Subcommittee of the City Council will hold a hearing on Sunnyside Gardens, marking the beginning of the final phase of the landmark designation process. The hearing will be followed by a vote by both the Landmarks Subcommittee and the Land Use Committee and, finally, by the entire City Council.
At the hearing, members of the community will have the opportunity to offer testimony. I hope that, if possible, you will take advantage of this opportunity to let your opinions be known to my City Council colleagues.
Sunnyside Gardens is a neighborhood I know and love well, and it is also the neighborhood I’ve chosen to live in with my family and where I plan to raise my daughter. It’s a special place that means a lot to me, as it does to the hundreds of residents inside the proposed landmark district and to thousands and thousands more who have somehow, like me, been touched by the neighborhood. At the hearing, I will speak in favor of landmark designation, as my personal belief is that landmarking represents the best way to preserve the unique and special character of the Gardens.
Whatever your point of view, I urge you to join me at City Hall on the morning of the 9th. Should you have any additional questions about the hearing or the designation process, please call my office at 718.383.9566.