HDC's New Maps!!

http://www.communitywalk.com/historic_districts_council/historic_districts_council/map/1007962 HDC’s new maps with our Six to Celebrate neighborhoods, Neighborhoods at risk, and recently designated districts. HDC is proud to work with so many diverse neighborhoods throughout New York City. View our website for information on these and other neighborhoods HDC is working with. http://hdc.org/  http://hdc.org/neighborhoodatrisk.htm

HDC's New Maps!!

http://www.communitywalk.com/historic_districts_council/historic_districts_council/map/1007962 HDC’s new maps with our Six to Celebrate neighborhoods, Neighborhoods at risk, and recently designated districts. HDC is proud to work with so many diverse neighborhoods throughout New York City. View our website for information on these and other neighborhoods HDC is working with. http://hdc.org/  http://hdc.org/neighborhoodatrisk.htm

Cutting Off The Finger?

From Philip DePaolo, [email protected] Board of Standards and Appeals public hearing on 144 N. Eighth St. (a.k.a. the “Finger Building”). BSA offices (40 Rector St., between Washington Street and the West Side Highway, in Manhattan, sixth floor), Oct. 16, 10 am. Call (212) 788-8547 for information. In 2004, Mendel Brach and a partner, paid $7 […]

LPC Designates Domino Sugar Factory

From Brownstoner (check it out for the action photos alone) https://www.brownstoner.com/history/lpc-domino-vote/ “Just moments ago, the Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously voted to designate the Domino Sugar refinery building as a New York City Landmark, ending once and for all months of speculation about the historic manufacturing building’s fate. Although the site’s owner had in recent months […]

Push for Historic District in Williamsburg

From Brownstoner http://www.brownstoner.com/brownstoner/archives/2007/09/push_to_make_fi.php This afternoon the Waterfront Preservation Alliance of Greenpoint & Williamsburg will submit a historic district nomination to the LPC for Fillmore Place. A couple of real estate developers built up the Williamsburg side street (bounded by Metropolitan, Grand, Driggs and Roebling) in the 1850s according to a master plan, and it contains […]

Austin Nichols Rising?

photo from the Gowanus Lounge. The Gowanus Lounge: Work Underway at 184 Kent This might be one of those pulling “victory from the jaws of defeat” stories. The new owners are interested in getting historic restoration tax credits and are working with the State Historic Preservation Office on this project. The devil is in the […]

Sugar and the Brooklyn Waterfront

From the New York Sun The Waterfront That Sugar BuiltAbroad in New YorkBY FRANCIS MORRONEAugust 16, 2007URL: http://www.nysun.com/article/60690 The National Trust for Historic Preservation recently named Brooklyn’s industrial waterfront as one of the 11 most endangered historic sites in America — a fact I noted in this column a few weeks ago. The postwar decline […]

Fighting for Domino with Lights & Ideas

Domino fight lights up hoodBy Dana RubinsteinThe Brooklyn Paper A neighborhood activist who would like to derail plans for a $1.3-billion high-rise development at the old Domino Sugar site has erected a seven-story, red LED sign that screams, “SAVE DOMINO’.” The sign, an apparent riff on the iconic yellow “Domino Sugar” sign on the Williamsburg […]

LPC Designates 4 houses and 3 pools

The Landmarks Preservation Commission unanimously approved landmark status for two Federal style buildings at 486 and 488 Greenwich Street in Greenwich Village, as part of the Commission’s ongoing efforts to preserve examples of the City’s development following the Revolutionary War.Read more. Also, two Turn-of-the 20th Century French Renaissance Revival Mansions in Midtown Manhattan Earn Landmark […]

Gentrification and Rezoning in Greenpoint & Williamsburg

From The New York Community Council217 N 7th StreetBrooklyn NY 11211(347)-200-2353 For More Information: Philip DePaolo, President [email protected] You are about to read a report that was done by the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy At Rutgers University. The Report was conducted at the request of The New York Community Council. The report […]